Residents are invited to the Grove for a social get together while listening to Johnny Cash.
Winter Olympics
Residents are invited to the Grove to participate in the Winter Olympics where a snowball toss, curling and ice fishing will be played.
Valentines Party & Music with Michael Dennehy
Residents are invited to the Grove for a Valentine celebration and music!
Name that Heartbreak
Residents are invited to the Grove to play a musical guessing game with words that have songs about heart break in them.
Movie Matinee "Three Amigos"
Three Amigos a 1986 American Western comedy film will be playing in the Grove. Popcorn and beverages will be provided for the residents.
Travelogue: Dubai
Residents will have the opportunity to travel to Dubai via a narrated video.
Travelogue: Oxford England
Residents will have the opportunity to travel to Oxford England via a narrated video
Crafting Fun
Residents have the opportunity to make a craft
Bowling for Dollars
Residents are invite to the Grove to bowl. Dollars are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!
"Auction Time"
Residents will have the opportunity to participate in an auction and win prizes using fake money.