Administrative Update from The Pines Machias

Happy Friday everyone!  The residents and staff of the Pines of Machias would like to thank everyone- our families, friends and community- for continuing to support and encourage us during these challenging times. This past week has been a busy one, as have the previous 4-5 weeks.  We continue to receive updated guidance from our county health department, the state department of health and at a federal level, the CDC.  We are diligent in enacting all new regulations and processes, which have, to date included restricting visitations, strict use of personal protective equipment for all employees, health screening staff before entry, family communication, residents wearing cloth masks during care and when out in a hallway and admission/isolation protocols for new and existing residents.  It is a lot to digest and implement but our team has been doing amazing.  New this week, we are working on processes to use “robo-calls” for quick communication to all residents, responsible parties/families and employees when needed and also starting to establish our “window visitation” area which will be opening May 4th.  We encourage all families to follow our Facebook page and to regularly visit our website for the latest updates and information.  Again, thank you for your support and encouragement as we continue to move forward through these challenging times.

Published on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 14:19 | Last Updated on 04/27/2020 15:25