

Travelogue: Oxford England

Residents will have the opportunity to travel to Oxford England via a narrated video

Crafting Fun

Residents have the opportunity to make a craft 

Bowling for Dollars

Residents are invite to the Grove to bowl. Dollars are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!

"Auction Time"

Residents will have the opportunity to participate in an auction and win prizes using fake money. 

Cards & Games

Residents are invited to the Grove to play various card games and board games.

More ZZZ's Please

Residents are invited to the Grove to watch a program focused on sleep.

Can You See the Big Picture?

Residents are invited to the Grove to play a game where they are shown an image very close up and have to guess what that item is. 

Elvis's Blue Shoes Game

Residents are invited to the Grove to play a card matching game.

Left, Right, Center

Residents are invited to the Grove to play Left, Right, Center. 

Movie Matinee "Snow Day"

Snow Day a 2000 comedy movie will be playing in the Grove. Popcorn and beverages will be provided for the residents.